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Only UNRWA can aid the people of Gaza

Open letter to the Council of States

(8 November 2024) (CH-S) On 16 October 2024, the Swiss “Observatory for Ethics and Humanitarian Health” (OESH)* sent a letter to all members of the Council of States, calling on them to reverse the National Council’s decision to cut subsidies to UNRWA. The Monitoring Agency also endeavours to preserve Switzerland’s humanitarian tradition and its positive influence in the world.

“Sky Shield” and Switzerland

The ties with NATO being pushed forward

by Jean-Paul Vuilleumier, Editor-in-Chief of “Swiss Standpoint”

(8 November 2024) On 10 April 2024, the Swiss Federal Council decided to join the “European Sky Shield Initiative” (ESSI) and authorised the Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport (DDPS) to sign the declaration of accession. On 17 October 2024, the Swiss Armaments Director Urs Loher signed the official document to this effect. The people and the cantons had no opportunity to express their views on this.

With this new step towards NATO, our seven-member government council is allowing the further erosion of our country’s neutrality and sovereignty.

“From War to Peace”

Symposium of the initiative “Democracy and Fundamental Rights”

by Marita Brune-Koch

(8 November 2024) Vienna. – Cruel wars in various parts of the world, politicians and the media inciting war and supposedly wanting to bring about peace with war and rearmament – that is what our world looks like today. Our Alpine republics Austria and Switzerland, which could refuse to take part in the war with their constitutionally enshrined neutrality, are increasingly arming themselves and wanting to be present at this dance of death. The symposium “From War to Peace” courageously countered this.

How Generation Z can save the world

by Mathias Müller,* canton Bern, Switzerland

(1 November 2024) Today’s youth is regarded to be oversensitive and lazy. But if you look closely, you can see that Gen Z is more resilient and freedom-loving than their self-righteous predecessors.

Is Switzerland mutating into a “city-state”?

Correcting blatant political misjudgement

by Hans Bieri, managing director of SVIL,* Zurich

(1 November 2024) (CH-S) On 9 October 2024, the consultation on the ordinance to the Spatial Planning Act 2 (SPA 2) adopted by the Federal Assembly ended. This ordinance decides what Switzerland will look like in the future outside the building zones and how its areas will be used. Was this a media topic? Hardly.

Does the “Sky Shield” protect Austria?

by General (retd.) DI Mag Günther Greindl,* Austria

(1 November 2024) (CH-S) Günther Greindl’s thoughts also affect Switzerland very directly. A new, multi-billion-dollar air defence system is to protect Europe from Russian missiles. But won’t the neutral states of Switzerland and Austria only make themselves a target for attack? And wouldn’t other systems be sufficient and more compatible with neutrality? General Greindl’s warnings for Austria are clear. The parallels with Switzerland cannot be overlooked. The editorial team’s contribution on the topic of “Sky Shield and Switzerland” will follow next week.