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Minimum quotas for the country's foodstuffs

Czech Republic

(24 January 2021)  According to the Czech Food Act, the supply to grocery shops of a certain size will have to consist of 55% of domestically produced food from 2022 onwards. By 2028, the share of these products is to be gradually increased to 73%.

Food security: food shortage alert


(3 February 2021)  The Lebanese Union of Food Importers claims that the food supply of the country's population is threatened due to the severe economic crisis and the strict restrictions imposed as a result of covid-19.

A New Health Order for the World

A post-Covid social contract vs. «The Great Reset»

by Professor Dr.iur. et phil. Alfred de Zayas, Geneva School of Diplomacy

Many political scientists, economists, lawyers, historians, journalists and civil society activists have come to realize that the post-Covid world should not merely “pick up where we left off”, but actually requires a new social contract, one that will have better budgetary priorities, place people over profits, adopt concrete measures to advance equality and social justice. International solidarity and emergency preparedness must be strengthened to jointly face global challenges. Resuming “business as usual” is not an option. The crisis we are suffering and the pathetic mismanagement by many countries is the direct result of failed neo-liberal policies that must be revisited and corrected if the planet is going to survive.

Digital central bank currencies – the monetary apocalypse

A commentary by Ernst Wolff

(18 January 2021)  While almost all of the world's governments are terrifying their peoples under the pretext of fighting a pandemic and harassing them with increasingly harsh measures, a process is taking place in the background that threatens our future considerably more than the currently rampant virus ever could. This is the development of digital central bank currency, which is being driven by more than three dozen central banks in collaboration with numerous tech corporations.

Joe Biden – a democratic turn?

by Roland Hureaux*

(31 December 2020)  It takes rare thoughtlessness to claim – as the majority of the European and American press, as well as Biden's supporters in the US presidential election, do – that Trump's defeat will save democracy.

US risks confrontation with Russia

by M. K. Bhadrakumar*

The Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov remarked last week that Moscow expects nothing good in relations with a “deeply hostile” US under the incoming administration of Joe Biden. He further said in an interview with the Interfax published Thursday December 24, “We are heading from bad to worse. The next US president has been left with a bad legacy and it will take a long time for him to sort this out.”