Economy / Finance

Great Reset – the elite backs the Greens

A commentary by Ernst Wolff

(15 October 2021) Edit. Shortly before the Bundestag elections, the author precisely and succinctly summarises the role of the German "Greens": the transformation from an anti-nuclear and peace party to the party of functionaries of globalist elites.

Global Shipping Crisis Far Worse Than Imagined

by F. William Engdahl

(23 September 2021) Over the past decades world ocean trade has expanded almost exponentially as major manufacturing outsourcing from USA and European corporations has blossomed under the advent of economic globalization. The result has been that Asia, most especially China, has become the essential manufacturing source for everything from iPhones to antibiotics and everything in-between.

The “cancel culture” attack on companies

by Guy Mettan, freelance journalist and author

(25 May 2021) Should companies submit to the dictatorship of the good? Like all human activities, the economy must respect basic moral principles. Primum non nocere, first do no harm, and second do not fool.

The Rise and Fall of Postnationalism

by Hans-Georg Maassen* and Johannes Eisleben**

(10 mai 2021) Edit. In the following, Hans-Georg Maassen and Johannes Eisleben deal with the disintegration of nation states and the incapacitation of their citizens. At the same time, they note the end of this development. In doing so, they name causes and describe possible perspectives.

Russia and China: decoupling from the Western-dominated global payments system

(2 April 2021) In response to the threat of tougher sanctions, Moscow and Beijing are moving closer together. They want more independence from the financial system. An economic sensation is brewing: a Russian-Chinese payment agreement.

Digital central bank currencies – the monetary apocalypse

A commentary by Ernst Wolff

(18 January 2021)  While almost all of the world's governments are terrifying their peoples under the pretext of fighting a pandemic and harassing them with increasingly harsh measures, a process is taking place in the background that threatens our future considerably more than the currently rampant virus ever could. This is the development of digital central bank currency, which is being driven by more than three dozen central banks in collaboration with numerous tech corporations.