The death of Europe and the birth of a new order

Ukraine – a geopolitical conflict
by Augusto Zamora Rodríguez,* Nicaragua
(2 May 2022) Editor: “Putin’s imperial delusions”: in the West, experts, journalists and politicians are unanimous when it comes to the causes of the conflict in Ukraine. But a cross-sectional view quickly shows that analysts from the global South come to a different conclusion. When looking at the Ukrainian crisis, it can be refreshing for the mind to follow the eyes and thoughts of a person who has his home in Estelí, Nicaragua.
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Fortunately, there is no Nobel Prize for human stupidity, because it would be impossible to award it given the plethora of candidates, starting with the European leaders.
The Ukrainian issue (which we refuse to call an invasion or a war, although technically it can be both) is not at all what the Western media frantically claims. Russia has no intention of annexing Ukraine, nor has it launched a war of conquest, and it is certainly not the result of an imperial delusion of lost grandeur.
It is a geopolitical conflict in the true sense of the word. Geopolitical in the 19th century sense, a struggle for power and interests, because there is no conflict of ideologies, no struggle of systems, even if the usual mercenaries and imbeciles – who are unfortunately not an endangered species – ramble on about it. No, there is none of that.
It is the old struggle between the world that wants to be born and the world that refuses to die (as the communist Antonio Gramsci would have said), provoked by NATO’s refusal not to expand further towards Russia. For this and nothing else is the motivation for military action: to gain security for Russia, which the European Union/NATO refuses, which suggests that they are maintaining their expansion policy.
Intelligence dies first
It is always claimed, repeated and insisted that in conflicts of this magnitude, truth dies first. We do not agree. We think that it is intelligence that dies first. Because you have to be ignorant, simple-minded, stupid and so on to believe that Russia attacked Ukraine for trivialities like megalomania or imperial love affairs, like in a novel by Corín Tellado (for those who don’t know her: the greatest author of love stories, up to three a week, that your mothers or grandmothers will remember with, yes, some adolescent nostalgia). None of this.
Wars are expensive, very expensive, and their course depends, as Thucydides observed, on the money at hand. Vladimir Putin is not a scatterbrain as they want to portray him. He is even less an adventurer like Crassus, the Roman billionaire who, in order to outdo Caesar and Pompey, financed a war against the Parthians, as a result of which the Parthians cut off his head and crushed his 30,000 soldiers (hence the expression “crasoerror”, a big mistake).
Ukraine is a pawn, especially on the world chessboard (to use an expression of Zbigniew Brzeziński), where the distribution of power for the next few decades will be played out, if at all.
The strategy of the United States in the triangle of powers
Let us explain. At present, there are three major players – Russia, the United States and China – who are divided into two camps. In one corner, like in a boxing ring, the alliance between China and Russia, in the other the United States. This is not an invention on our part. Those who say it and repeat it ad nauseam are the United States and their European chicken coop. As in geostrategic matters, only ragpickers invent conflicts, we quote official American documents, of which we also give the link to the source for those who want to satisfy their curiosity.
It is worth mentioning that in the United States, Cabinet and Congress are kind enough to publish such documents after having first censored them, in such a way that those who do not want to know do not even notice. But they are there (in English, of course) and are available to the generally very limited public. These documents allow today to add a drop of truth to the orgy of manipulation and disinformation that is taking place in this ignorant European chicken coop.
Let’s start with the most important document, “National Defense Strategy”, from 2018, which sets the rules until today. It states:
“Strategic interstate competition, not terrorism, is now the primary national security concern of the United States. Long-term strategic competition with China and Russia is a top priority for the Department [of Defense] and requires greater and sustained investment because of the magnitude of the threats they currently pose to U.S. security and prosperity and the potential for these threats to intensify in the future.”
To address this “long-term strategic competition”, the Pentagon has set the following goals, in addition to an exhaustive list of measures and actions.
Regarding China: “Strengthening alliances and partnerships in the Indo-Pacific to establish an interconnected security architecture capable of deterring aggression, maintaining stability, and ensuring an open access to joint areas.”
Regarding Russia: “Strengthening NATO’s transatlantic alliance. A strong and free Europe, united by the common principles of democracy, national sovereignty, and commitment to Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty1, is essential to our security.”
To sum it up: since 2018, the United States are working to establish an encircling around Russia and China, with military and political alliances as key pillars. Thus, NATO is to be the United States military’s Atlantic front, while the United States and its allies – led by Japan – are in charge of the Pacific front.
The next world war will be nuclear
The whole US strategy is really based on the concept of two war fronts, and is a continuation of their policy during the Second World War, when the US refused to open a front in Western Europe because it wanted to use all its power against Japan (for this reason, the Normandy landing had to wait until June 1944).
This concept is the result of a recognized fact in official US documents. In the document “Providing for the Common Defense”, also published in 2018, it says:
“The US military superiority – the backbone of its global influence and national security – has been dangerously eroded. [...] The US ability to defend its allies, partners and its own vital interests is increasingly called into question. If the nation does not act quickly to change these circumstances, the consequences will be severe and long-lasting.”
In other words, the United States know that they do not have the military capability to deal with a Russian-Chinese alliance. That is why the backbone of Washington’s strategy is to gather as many alliances and allies as possible. The “National Defense Strategy” puts it this way: “Mutually beneficial alliances and partnerships are essential to our strategy, because they provide a sustainable asymmetric strategic advantage that no competitor or opponent can match.”
“Beyond our core alliances, we will also speed up the development of cooperative ventures around the world, because our strength is enhanced tenfold when we pool our efforts to share costs and expand the circle of cooperation. In doing so, we recognize that our vital national interests require closer ties with the Indo-Pacific, Europe and the Western Hemisphere.”
In short: knowing that the United States will not succeed alone, it is hastening to recruit countries willing to devote a considerable part of their budget to compensate for the inferiority of the United States and, when the time comes, serve as cannon fodder in the coming war against Russia and China.
This would explain the refusal to negotiate with Russia on security issues, because it was not about the independence and sovereignty of Ukraine, but about using Ukraine as a trap for the European chicken coop to blindly and massively assume its role as the Atlantic flank of the US.
The objective, we admit, has been achieved, and now the European chicken coop will do what the United States wants: arm itself against Russia and prepare for the war to come. Except that this war will not be conventional.
It will be nuclear. Those who think otherwise have no idea of the interests at stake.
EU and NATO on the Atlantic front
It is within this framework that we must look for the keys to understanding the political and geopolitical movements of the present world. Those who do not imagine it or do not know it can only utter a series of stupidities cultivated in ignorance, fanaticism and folly, a lot of folly.
This framework clearly shows, for example, that the United States is leaving the entire weight – political, military and economic – of the Ukrainian crisis on the Atlantic front, for the simple reason that it does not want to divert resources from its hardest, most difficult and most expensive Pacific front. The EU and NATO will therefore have to engage in an arms race with Russia, as Donald Trump has already called for as US president.
Atlantic Europe accepted this role without complaint, without measuring the costs, without informing its citizens or calculating the price it would pay in its role as a subordinate chicken coop. At no time did any European government consider such a possibility. This is where the myth of a “brain-dead” NATO must end.
Instead, NATO has continued to grow. Albania and Croatia joined in 2009, and Montenegro in 2017. Only mercenarism and stupidity have kept this fiction alive.
In the end, the Ukrainian conflict escalated precisely because of NATO’s refusal to accept a neutral Ukraine. They want this country to be part of NATO, and they stick to this obsession. Moreover, the domination of the United States was already evident many years ago, when the chicken coop obediently agreed to bury the plans for a European army and the creation of a common foreign and security policy, independent of the United States.
Is Russia alone in this war?
The other myth of the chicken coop is the alleged isolation of Russia. You have to be blind, stupid or corrupt to support such a fallacy. First of all, Russia has the support of China and India. These are not just words, but these two countries carry more weight than the whole henhouse put together.
Outside the bubble of the chicken coop, the world is better informed than the chickens, and the networks of global relationships are so complex that they are difficult for rusty Atlantic neurons to digest.
China needs Russia for many reasons, starting with vital geostrategic issues, the New Silk Road and energy issues. India needs Russia for its feuds and jealousies with China, in addition to the fact that 75% of its weapons come from Russia.
The list could go on, but that is not necessary. If one takes the trouble to examine the positions of governments around the world, one will notice that almost none of them want to get involved. They know what the United States is and they know what NATO is. They know who is responsible for the Ukrainian crisis.
The hen house is throwing itself into the battle against Russia like an army of trolls from “Lord of the Rings”, with a pathological rage that gives free rein to its destructive ethos, and that is fine. It is important to know who the friends are, and who the enemies. In Moscow, there is no doubt, if ever there was, that a rapprochement with the Atlanticists is not possible.
The troll and puppet coop, with its anti-Russian toxicity, has accelerated the fragmentation of the world into blocs and has also led to the political death of Europe. It will no longer be Europe, even if it looks like it and continues to be marked on the maps. Europe will essentially be the Atlantic front of the US army, waiting for the US to order its destruction.
The pains of giving birth to a new world
We are experiencing live and in full deformation the division of the world and the birth of a new world in which the chicken coop will not matter anymore, since business will be done between China, Russia and the United States.
Nothing will close the gap that has been dug, even if relations normalize, it will be the normality of funerals. The peninsula of Europe will remain more than ever a peninsula, because its link with Asia is – was – Russia. Without Russia, they will be left with only the Atlantic.
Another advantage for Russia and China: the Atlantic chicken coop has revealed its strategy. It is so similar to the one applied to Germany in 1918 that the time has come to calculate what a bunker would cost. The difference is that Russia is not Germany. It is the opposite: Russia has everything, from unlimited energy to inexhaustible agricultural resources.
And nuclear weapons. Putin has ordered them to be put on alert as a reminder to the pretentious occupants of the chicken coop. Those who, in a few years, like the Ukrainians today, will serve as cannon fodder for the greater glory of an empire that, in those same few years, will cease to be an empire. And when it is over, Russia will still be there, and the time will come for accountability.
Anger and compassion for the Ukrainian people, used as cannon fodder in the name of blind and absurd strategic calculations made by the US. The traitors are those governments that have put them in the tragic situation they are in today, when their first duty would have been to ensure their well-being and their peace and quiet.
Thousands of Ukrainians are fighting without knowing it in a war that is not theirs, provoked by a power that did not hesitate to leave them alone. In the chicken coop, one should take note of this, but what an illusion: chickens do not think. So take note of this once and for all.
Russia will not leave Ukraine until it declares itself a neutral country. The Ukrainian government has agreed to negotiate with Russia. This is not a smart idea, but inevitable. Whether it takes more or less time, if there is no agreement, Russian tanks will arrive on the Maidan.
The arsonist in the chicken coop
We conclude this article, which turned out to be longer than expected, with the following comments:
“The United States often talks about humanity, justice and morality, but in reality it is about interests. Washington’s strategic selfishness and hypocrisy have always been openly manifested in the practice of its international policy. According to reports, at least 37 million people have been displaced in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, the Philippines, Libya, and Syria as a direct result of U.S.-led wars since 9/11.”
“If a country, no matter how powerful, pursues only its own interests, fans the flames everywhere and constantly exports chaos to other countries, it is inevitable that its credibility will collapse and its hegemony will come to an end.”
“For countries and regions that still have fantasies or act as stooges of the United States, the Ukrainian crisis is a good reminder: you should not trust a ‘partner’ that only announces ‘good news’ when you are in trouble.”
This is from an editorial in the Chinese Communist Party’s “Global Times”. Do not overlook this aspect. Also do not forget that the Ukrainian crisis leaves a message: a peaceful agreement with the United States and its chicken coop is not possible. Therefore, the only way to counter the hegemonic claims of the United States is war.
China has its Ukrainian equivalent. It is called Taiwan, the huge American aircraft carrier land-based only 230 kilometers from the Chinese mainland. As reckless as it is to poke the bear’s paw, it is suicidal to engage both the dragon and the bear at the same time.
But it goes even further. Atlanticist malice encouraged former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to call for Japanese nuclear cooperation with the United States, referring to the Ukrainian crisis. The “Global Times” immediately reacted in an editorial:
“The US is aware of the right-wing movement in Japan, but sees this country as the main leverage for containing China in East Asia. Using Japan for this purpose is therefore increasingly becoming a priority for Washington. This allows Japan’s right-wing politicians to see an opportunity and take full advantage of it to shed the strategic ties that have bound them for nearly 80 years. Nuclear capability is probably their ultimate goal in this regard.” Game over!
The hysterical confusion of roasted chicken
Do you see this wink or are you stupidly immersed in the toxic cloud of “information”? The United States wants Japan to be to China what Germany will be to Russia from now on, and we know how these countries ended the Second World War.
In short, we are talking about hardcore geopolitics and a bigger game than people realize.
Chickens don’t play. They sacrifice themselves to make soup or that cholesterol-infested gringo recipe called “Fried Chicken”. Welcome to the dawn of the first great war of the 21st century. Enjoy your chicken.
* Augusto Zamora Rodríguez has been a professor of International Law and International Relations at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, as well as a lecturer at the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua and a visiting professor at several universities in Europe and Latin America. Zamora has served as Nicaragua’s ambassador to Spain. From 1979 to 1990, he was Legal Director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Chief of Staff of the Minister of Foreign Affairs. He was part of the Nicaraguan negotiating team in the Contadora and Esquipulas peace processes, from the beginning until the electoral defeat of Sandinism; he represented Nicaragua in the lawsuit against the United States in the International Court of Justice regarding the Contras war and participated in numerous diplomatic missions. Augusto Zamora Rodríguez is the author of “Política y geopolítica para rebeldes, irreverentes y escépticos” (3rd edition, 2018); “Réquiem polifónico por Occidente” (2018) and “Malditos libertadores” (2nd edition, 2020). |
Source:, 4 April 2022
Reprinted with kind permission of Langemann Medien GmbH.
(The original Spanish text was translated into German by Olga Espín. English translation “Swiss Standpoint”)