“The Covid-19 bioweapon and the planned dismantling of our direct democracy”
by Professor Paul R. Vogt
(9 November 2023) (Edit.) Today, it takes a lot of perseverance, courage, and straightforwardness to bring topics that have been avoided for various reasons to the public attention. Professor Paul R. Vogt, founder of the EurAsiaHeart-Foundation1 and former head of cardiac surgery at Zurich University Hospital, has written another thesis paper as a matter close to his heart.
He calls for a detailed, scientifically sound discussion with the aim of coming to terms with the past three and a half years of the pandemic. The mRNA “vaccines” must also be critically scrutinised.
The 22-page thesis paper with 71 references and the title “The COVID-19 bioweapon and the planned dismantling of our direct democracy” contains plenty of material for scrutinising previous statements by politicians, media representatives and scientists and their actions, which have had drastic consequences for every citizen in recent years. To be prepared for another pandemic, which is to be expected, a thorough reviewing is needed.
Paul R. Vogt also addresses the planned changes to the WHO’s International Health Regulations (IHR) and its Pandemic Treaty, which have hardly been discussed publicly to date despite the risk of destroying our direct democratic structure. His conclusion: The surrender of our own sovereignty in health matters must be stopped.
Below we publish Professor Vogt's summary from the thesis paper. At the end you will find the link to the entire document in English and German.
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COVID-19 (Corona Virus Disease 2019) has been a global health problem. But not only that. COVID-19 was and is “gain-of-function” and “dual-use” research that is officially banned. COVID-19 is a biological weapon created through genetic manipulation (“genetic engineering”). Various countries were involved in this manipulation – including, as it seems, Switzerland.
In this thesis paper, the term COVID vaccination is used, knowing that it is not a vaccination according to the original definition (= active or passive immunization by antibodies or antigens), but a form of gene therapy.
The first COVID-19 positive patient in Switzerland was detected on February 25, 2020 – the first COVID vaccination took place on December 23, 2020. There were 9,300 COVID deaths in 2020. Between February 25 and December 23, 2020, there was deliberate, therapeutic nihilism with the clear goal of pushing through emergency approval of mRNA vaccines. The vaccine manufacturers knew that the search for a vaccine against the coronavirus spike protein had been unsuccessful for decades – and that the mRNA vaccine did not meet the conditions for vaccination.
The vaccine manufacturers’ purchase agreements with Switzerland were published by the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH). However, they are blacked out in large parts, as if the contracts had to be kept secret from the citizens of a direct democracy. Meanwhile, unredacted versions are available, some of which reveal appalling terms. In the contracts with Pfizer, which are not blacked out, under “5.5. Purchase Acknowledgment” the following is found: “[…] Purchaser further acknowledges that the long-term effects and efficacy of the Product are not currently known and that there may be adverse effects of the Product that are not currently known. […]”. Pfizer says that the long-term effect and possible long-term adverse effects are unknown. But politics sells us the vaccines as "safe and effective", and the BGA writes very recently: “The vaccines used in Switzerland are safe and effective” and this refers to the current vaccine against the Eris variant, which has been tested in just 20 mice – without a control group and without data for use in humans.
Three and a half years after the first positive COVID-19 patient in Switzerland, it is time to discuss the facts; to disclose the redacted passages in the contracts between the vaccine manufacturers and Switzerland; to transparently discuss the benefits as well as the numerous and frequent side effects of the vaccines, their price-performance ratio and, in case of a new COVID-19 mutation, the “what next?”.
Without a comprehensive presentation of the long-term damage as well as the unclear effects of these vaccines on the physiology of various organs, including the brain – including the newborn – a renewed, routine “vaccination round” is a no-go. The current vaccination recommendation of the BGA – especially the vaccination of pregnant women – as well as the statement that currently 2.2 million of our citizens are endangered by the new COVID-19 variant are a scandal from a scientific point of view. The COVID-19 pandemic, which was one, was politically, economically, and financially abused.
Anyone expecting a political and scientific reappraisal after three and a half years of transparency will be disappointed. On the contrary, it continues in the same style. Bypassing parliament and without public discussion, the Federal Council is using taxpayers’ money to support GAVI – Bill Gates’ global vaccination alliance – granting the headquarters of this private organization in Geneva the status of an extraterritorial territory and giving it and all its employees complete immunity.
In May of next year, the signing of the pandemic treaty and the supplemented International Health Regulations (IHR) on global “Pandemic Preparedness” presented by the WHO to all member states is to take place, which, despite claims to the contrary, would mean the end of our state’s sovereignty not only in health matters. The content of these agreements (treaty and IHR) has never been publicly disseminated and discussed, not even in Parliament.
The surrender of our own sovereignty in health matters goes hand in hand with the disregard for the Swiss constitution and our laws in other areas as well. This fundamental dismantling of direct democracy and the destruction of our direct-democratic structures must be stopped.
Thesis Paper in English:
Thesis Paper in German: